Modeling of dispersion of aerosolized airborne pathogens exhaled in indoor spaces

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Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a lack of data to quantify the role played by breathing-out of pathogens in the spread of SARS-Cov-2 despite sufficient indication of its culpability. This work aims to establish the role of aerosol dispersion of SARS- Cov-2 virus and similar airborne pathogens on the spread of the disease in enclosed spaces. A steady-state fluid solver is used to simulate the air flow field, which is then used to compute the dispersion of SARS-Cov-2 and spatial probability distribution of infection inside two representative classrooms. In particular, the dependence of the turbulent diffusivity of the passive scalar on the air changes per hour and the number of inlet ducts has been given due consideration. By mimicking the presence of several humans in an enclosed space with a time-periodic inhalation–exhalation cycle, this study firmly establishes breathing as a major contributor in the spread of the pathogen, especially by superspreaders. Second, a spatial gradient of pathogen concentration is established inside the domain, which strongly refutes the well-mixed theory. Furthermore, higher ventilation rates and proximity of the infected person to the inlet and exhaust vents play an important role in determining the spread of the pathogen. In the case of classrooms, a ventilation rate equivalent to 9 air changes or more is recommended. The simulations show that the “one-meter distance rule” between the occupants can significantly reduce the risk of spreading infection by a high-emitter.

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